This medicine is for export only

Composition: Ronidazole, Multivitamins and Trace elements.

Indications: Trichomoniasis and Hexamitiasis.

Utilization: The dosage is 5 g per litre drinking water during 6 days or 10 g per kg food 6 days. When mixing it with food, it can be adhered on the food with Barleans, Bony Omega 3 oil, Garlic oil etc.
There is no need to remove the grit from the loft.

During the use of antibacterial medicines that are quite heavy on the intestinal flora, we advise the use of Probiotics (for example the Bony Probiotics) during the whole cure and a few weeks after the end of the cure.
This stimulates the intestinal flora. Probiotics can be combined with Bony SGR.

Undesired effects: Less drinking, neurotoxicity, growth inhibition, weight loss, disturbed spermatogenesis and watery feces.


  • Do not use for pigeons who will be consumed.
  • Do not use with other antibacterial or anti parasitic medicines.
  • Ronidazole has been described as being mutagenic.
  • Ronidazole is toxic when used a long time.
  • There are possibly negative effects on the fertility of the pigeons and the young pigeons treated with this medicament.

Available in quantitie of 150 g.

Remarque: read the general remarks about magistral medicines.

Keep dry and at room temperature.
The medicinated food and drinking water should be used right away.
Keep away from children.

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Did you know....

That vaccination against Paratyphus only makes sense when there is a decent plan of approach? This means performing vaccinations minimally 2 times a year. The first time preferably 2 times with 3 weeks in between.