newsletter June 2011-2

Youngsters (2)

Last week I mentioned that Circovirus may be seen as the major culprit behind the youngsters Syndrome.
This syndrome can be seen as a collection of disorders that can give overlapping symptoms. . The severity of this disease depends largely on the secondary infections that helped cause the symptoms.
From the beginning of this century, we saw more and more that the Adeno-coli are less likely to respond to the usual medicines. Furthermore, we saw that the pigeons supported in a more natural way seemed to have fewer problems and usually quickly responded to the medication.

Around 2005 we see a larger increase in the sluggishness of the youngsters on the flights. Many reasons attributed to this. These youngsters seem healthy and the fanciers expect a top result. Nothing is less true if it appears that one third to one half of the youngsters does not return the flight. Also at home more pigeons are lost this year.

There are increasingly more pigeons with red throats or yellow herds in the mouth, which is strongly suspected to a herpesvirus infection. Many fanciers are convinced that it's an infection with the Yellow and cures against it. Unfortunately without any results.

But is this the only problem ? No unfortunately not. There is also a proliferation of Candida – infections . Streptococcal Infections whetheras an accompanying phenomenon in the Herpesvirus Infections or independant.
Today a fancier called about the paramyxovirus in his youngsters. But also other viruses we find.
There are also pens with strong respiratory problems.
In short it is a whole mixture of symptoms.
If a diagnosis is made, the selected therapy is often disappointing. It sometimes occurs that only a small improvement after antibiotic treatment is seen. Many fanciersover have reproachful words about the 'other' vet. But this is often not justified.

Behind these syndromes is often a hidden common cause. The Circovirus.
This virus can be considered as the cause of much misery with the youngsters.
Is it true that this virus always causes problems? No that's not true. Many fanciers have this virus present in birds without noticeable symptoms.
Whether it cause symptoms will depend on several factors. Overcrowding and stress, gives this virus more opportunity. The resistance of the birds is indeed at stake. On lofts with poor air quality, the virus will have more opportunities. In pigeons with a high risk of infection from other pathogens, the symptoms are usually more severe than in pigeons in a relatively healthy environment to grow.
The training basket is due to the stress factor the trigger of the outbreak of the disease.
Circo Virus is a virus which nestles in the heart of the defense of the pigeons. In the bursa of Fabricius. This small organ in the cloaca organizes the distribution of resistance. If this organ early in the life of a dove will be affected ,the construction of the defense is only moderately raised. It is easy to imagine. So it is important to keep the infection pressure of this virus as low as possible.If this virus gets more space the youngsters will be more susceptible to infections with other diseases. The ability of pigeons to respond to the invaders by the presence of this Circovirus therefore is more or less disturbed.
We all know that the youngsters take the necessary pains to make their way to adulthood. During that period, it is important that the birds are housed under optimal conditions and care. In our view, optimal care starts with the right foodsupplements. The pigeonfancier must be very enthusiast for keeping the resistance of the birds at the highest possible level.
The foregoing makes clear that, to think that with an antibiotic the errors during the rearing of the young are still to be made ondone is an mistake.

Occasionally this will happen but structurally we are dealing with the Circo virus that ultimately only leads to disappointment.
The way out of this problem is called "preventive approach"