The basis for the new season: The moulting period

The moulting period is one of the most important periods in the year. The importance of good processing cannot be overstated. Yet there are still plenty of enthusiasts who switch back a notch during the moulting period and leave it to nature. Understandable on the one hand because there is more to life than pigeon racing. Underestimating the importance of moulting is the prelude to disappointments in the following year. The quality of the spring work partly depends on the care that is given to the pigeons during the moulting period. Proper nutrition, a regular bath and plenty of air and light (aviary) is of great importance during this period. In addition, a good mineral mix can be provided regularly during this period to stay ahead of deficiencies in any form.

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Did you know....

That vaccination against Paratyphus only makes sense when there is a decent plan of approach? This means performing vaccinations minimally 2 times a year. The first time preferably 2 times with 3 weeks in between.