The Herpes virus (part 2)

The herpes virus in practice.

In the last newsletter, i described the scientific facts of the Herpes virus. But what is the impact of this virus in everyday life?

As i explained earlier, a lot of pigeons are latently infected, without any signs of symptoms. We have seen that most of the young pigeons between the age of two and ten weeks old, are infected by this virus. Some are extremely ill, that death follows. In these cases, the symptoms concentrate mostly in the upper-respiratory airways and, frequently, the pigeons have Coryza symptoms.
But before the birds reach this level of sickness, the resistance of the pigeons has to be low. During weaning, this happens. But even through overcrowding in the cots and during transport in less fortunate circumstances, like high temperatures and humidity.
If there is an outbreak, there is not much you can do to defeat the virus. For virus infections in general, antibiotics are not available and non-effective. Still, there are a lot of pigeon lovers who request antibiotics for a virus infection

In the last newsletter, i started to describe the viruses which affect the pigeon sport most at this time. Because of several observations and practical experiences which require more research, i talked first about the scientific data as far as the research goes, to continue with the more practical aspects and consequences of an infection with the variola virus.

I will describe the Herpes virus in the same manner. About two years ago, i dedicated some of my time to the herpesvirus. But the questions about this virus remain. That is why i'm revisiting this subject. In this newsletter i will talk about the scientific data so far. The next newsletter is about the more practical aspects and the consequences.